Warrap Wikipedia Sprint

Open Knowledge literacy training
A ‘Wikipedia sprint’ or ‘wikisprint’ for Kuajok, the capital of Warrap Sate, in collaboration with local students and the Kuajok Youth Organisation aims to draft the first comprehensive and community created Wikipedia entry in Warrap State … and perhaps South Sudan by local experts and residents.
The sprint format introduces participants to the many resources that comprise Wikipedia, the world’s largest collaborative knowledge base. Running the sprint as a literacy and internet training project addresses a number of key skills including researching, writing, editing – and doing this together as team work.
The results or ‘products’ of this workshop include the development of some basic IT skills, information about the vast realm of online knowledge resources, as well as how to have fun with your own history, your future and your ‘image’ in the world.
The results can be presented publicly as an evening event along with film or video(s) about the area featuring local music and musicians that, themselves, are included in the Wikipedia entry itself. The Wikipedia sprint is an open knowledge ‘feedback loop’ that empowers and builds pride in local culture and history.
[This training session had to be cancelled due to armed conflicts in the region]