Posts Tagged ‘Open Knowledge’
Annual report 2023 The r0g_agency 2023 Annual Report highlights a decade of impactful work in promoting open culture, peacebuilding, and innovation across multiple regions, including Cameroon, South Sudan, Uganda, Kenya, and Ethiopia. Throughout the year, r0g_agency continued to advance its mission through projects like #ASKnet, #defyhatenow, and #FemPeaceEA, focusing on open technology, open knowledge, and…
Read MoreA peacetech approach to mitigate mass violence in South Sudan
This article was originally published on… How can technologies and digital media be strategically used to achieve conflict-resolution and peacebuilding objectives? To answer this question, peacetech is a growing field that allows peace advocates and local communities to develop new forms of engagement. The term peacetech thereby refers to two different approaches: 1) Utilizing existing online/social…
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