
Annual report 2023 The r0g_agency 2023 Annual Report highlights a decade of impactful work in promoting open culture, peacebuilding, and innovation across multiple regions, including Cameroon, South Sudan, Uganda, Kenya, and Ethiopia. Throughout the year, r0g_agency continued to advance its mission through projects like #ASKnet, #defyhatenow, and #FemPeaceEA, focusing on open technology, open knowledge, and…

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A peacetech approach to mitigate mass violence in South Sudan

This article was originally published on…   How can technologies and digital media be strategically used to achieve conflict-resolution and peacebuilding objectives? To answer this question, peacetech is a growing field that allows peace advocates and local communities to develop new forms of engagement. The term peacetech thereby refers to two different approaches: 1) Utilizing existing online/social…

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