In 2014, Sweden adopted the world’s first explicitly “feminist” foreign policy (FFP). In recent years, several countries have relabeled their foreign policy as ''feminist''. To date, Canada, France, Mexico, Spain, Luxembourg, Germany, and Chile have all adopted some form of a FFP and the number of countries adopting these continues to grow.
Currently, a public conversation is being held concerning Germany's feminist foreign policy commitment. Living in a world in which international agreements and the dynamics of the international system are shaped by the colonial legacies perpetuating inequalities and injustices, it is important to reflect on the approaches taken toward domestic and foreign feminist policies.
In countries that are implementing FFP, have they managed to disrupt the disparities of power, geopolitical inequalities, and domination?
Does the development and implementation of a FFP center on the lived realities of marginalized people as well as indigenous and black feminist critiques of the European hegemonic notion of race, gender, sexuality, and class?
This panel aims to raise awareness and reflect on FFP through intersectional and decolonial feminist thought and practices. The panel will also discuss the challenges countries have faced in implementing feminist foreign policies and what we can expect from a FFP that is still embedded in a world where realpolitik is the norm. Further topics of discussion will be decolonial self-determination demands, militant feminism, and the feminist movement in Kurdistan and Turkey.
Join us for an important conversation with experts and advocates from diverse regional contexts in order to exchange ideas on establishing decolonial feminist foreign policies that could lead to a global shift in power.
Date: Friday, November 18, 2022
Time: 6:00 PM - 8.30 PM
Location: Open Culture Space, Knobelsdorffstr. 22 | 14059 Berlin
Curated by: Blen Gebrehiwot Desta
Funded by: Partnerschaft für Demokratie Charlottenburg -Wilmersdorf
Hosted by: r0g_agency for open culture and critical transformation gGmbH
In collaboration with: Kiez gegen Rassismus
This event will be held in English. Admission is free but registration is required.

Miriam Mona Mukalazi - Speaker
Miriam Mona Mukalazi is a German/Ugandan PhD researcher of feminist security policies. During her PhD, she conducted research at the Institute for Women, Peace and Security at Georgetown University in Washington D.C. as well as at the Institute for Peace and Security Studies at Addis Ababa University. Miriam has worked for UN Women Germany, the Centre for Feminist Foreign Policy, as well as for the World Bank Group. At the moment, Miriam works as a research consultant for the EU commission analysing the Team Europe Initiative.
In 2020, Miriam delivered a statement about Germany’s policies regarding Women, Peace and Security in front of the Committee of Foreign Affairs of the German Bundestag. As an expert, Miriam also analyses global politics from a feminist perspective in German media such as Deutschlandfunk Nova, WDR5, or Zeit. She serves as a board member for several organizations such as the United Nations Association of Germany or the international NGO Women Engage for a Common Future. Miriam has received several scholarships among them the prestigious Charlemagne Fellowship by the Karlspreisstiftung Aachen.
Selection of publications:
EU! Radio The EU's Women, Peace, and Security Agenda
Deutschlandfunk Nova Feminist Foreign Policy
Advancing the WPS agenda through regional governance in, for or by the global South?
German-African Union Partnership on the Women, Peace and Security Agenda
UNECE Beijing+25 Civil Society Report on Peace, Security and Displaced Women

Rosa Burç - Speaker
Rosa is a PhD researcher at the Center on Social Movement Studies, which is part of Scuola Normale Superiore in Florence, Italy. She specialized in the political imaginaries of stateless mobilization, with a focus on the Kurdish Middle East and its diaspora. She is currently finalizing her dissertation. Her work centers on decolonial and feminist approaches to understanding the imaginaries and practices of revolutionary movements.
After graduating from SOAS, the University of London with an M.Sc. in International Politics, she has worked as a research fellow and has taught undergraduate courses at Bonn University's Institute for Political Science and Sociology. In 2021 she was affiliated with the Hamburg Institute for Social Research as an external fellow and as a member of the working group on macro violence. Currently, she is a visiting fellow at the Center for Interdisciplinary Peace and Conflict Research (INTERACT) at FU Berlin.
Her work has been published in peer-review journals, edited volumes, and international media such as The New York Times. She has conducted research visits to various parts of Kurdistan, including fieldwork in refugee camps and border regions, as well as with communities in the European diaspora.
Selection of publications:
Kurdish transformative politics in Turkey
Non-Territorial Autonomy And Gender Equality
One state, one nation, one flag—one gender? Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies
"The long Kurdish Struggle" The New York Times
Warum verurteilen wir den Krieg Russlands, aber nicht den der Türkei?
You can find list of Rosa’s publication here: https://sns.academia.edu/RosaBurc

Sara Abbas - Moderator
Sara Abbas is a political scientist and current recipient of a fellowship from the Open Society Foundations under the theme "new and radical approaches to confronting economic inequality." She is researching and writing a manuscript on the imaginations and collective practices that have arisen in the sit-in spaces (protestor camps) during Sudan's ongoing revolution. Sara is a contributor to Diversity on Common Ground: Ten perspectives on contemporary feminism (2020) and A Region in Revolt: Mapping the recent uprisings in the Middle East and North Africa (2020).
#OCFC - Full Program
5:30 pm - doors open.
6:30pm - Intro by Blen Gebrehiwot Desta, African feminist, initiator and curator of the Open Culture Feminist Café.
6:35pm - 8:05pm - Panel Discussion, featuring Miriam Mona Mukalazi, a German-Ugandan visiting researcher at Georgetown Institute for Women, Peace and Security (USA) and Rosa Burç, PhD candidate at the COSMOS Center on Social Movement Studies (Italy).
Moderated by Sara Abbas, a political scientist and feminist, active in solidarity work with the Sudanese revolution (Germany).
8:05pm- 8:30pm - Open discussion.
8:30pm - Closing words + time to network.