South Sudan #DeepDive: Prof. Leben Nelson Moro

Join us for a special evening with our guest Prof. Leben Nelson Moro from the Center for Peace and Development Studies, University of Juba, South Sudan. At a time framed by the extremes of humanitarian crisis, immense pressures on equitable development and great uncertainty in its future political path South Sudan: #DeepDive is a unique opportunity to have an in-depth presentation on the economic situation on the ground in the country’s predominantly rural regions, as well as in its rapidly growing cities. Prof. Moro, who teaches in the areas of development, conflict, forced migration and humanitarian affairs will introduce the major players and discuss the conditions of the very heterogenous population of “Africa’s youngest country”.
19.30 CEST (Berlin GMT+2)
Thursday, July 17, 2014
ThoughtWorks Werkstatt
Mülhauserstr. 6. (Hofgebäude 1. OG)
Berlin, Germany
South Sudan: #DeepDive was hosted by Dmytri Kleiner and Baruch Gottlieb from the ThoughtWorks Werkstatt in Berlin, in collaboration with r0g_agency for open culture and critical transformation.