Annual report 2021
In 2021 the r0g_agency’s focus was to continue to support our three ongoing projects: #ASKnet, #MMN, and #defyhatenow.
Each of these projects work towards the r0g_agency’s commitment to fostering open knowledge, open technology, and peacebuilding around the world.
Our goal is to partner with and empower local communities in order to bring about positive change. We do this by providing the
tools and trainings needed in those areas.
The long-term goal is to equip local organizations with the skills and tools needed to run community-supporting programs that are both self-sustaining and beneficial to their local and regional communities.
The r0g_agency works with grassroots, governmental, and international organizations – often to bridge gaps between policy and tangible action on the ground.
The r0g_agency is based in Berlin, Germany and works with communities and organizations in the Republic of South Sudan, Uganda, Cameroon, Ghana, The Gambia, Kenya, and Ethiopia.
Highlights from r0g_projects 2021
#ASKnet 2021
(Access to Skills and Knowledge Network)
2021 saw #ASKnet’s hubs in Uganda and South Sudan further develop IT, media, podcasting, and entrepreneurship skills in order to strengthen community selfsufficiency. A Local Experts Action Directory (LEAD) ( has been created in order to help connect individuals across locations. #ASKnet is also working on creating a website to make it easier to collaborate and connect.
Satellite hubs were established in 202, including a satellite in Yei, South Sudan by members of Platform Africa, who are based in the Rhino camp refugee settlement but originally came from South Sudan. Another satellite was established in the Pagirynia refugee settlement in Uganda.
The evolving confidence of the #ASKnet hubs has led to exciting new undertakings this past year, including their hosting Repair Cafés and starting the #ABV Amplified Gender Voices program, a program that strengthens the ability of young women to push for progressive social policies within their communities.
The #ROSHOP ( initiative developed digitally shareable housing and construction methods and was recognized by the International Media Architecture Biennale as an exemplary, innovative project in the category of Responsive Urban Spaces.
#MMN_Ghana & The Gambia 2021
In August 2021 #MMN held its yearly diaspora workshop for members of the Ghanian and Gambian diaspora in Berlin. The event trained participants on issues of migration and social media use and equipped them to run workshops in their home countries, together with the regional #MMN coordinators.
In this way #MMN was able to reach hundreds of potential migrants in remote areas and share vital migration information with them.
#MMN has also been active creating podcasts and radio shows and has successfully launched an information service on migration issues using local USSD codes.
In 2021 #MMN also expanded its work from Ghana and is now active in The Gambia.
#defyhatenow Cameroon
In 2021 the #defyhatenow Field Guide for Cameroon was updated and rewritten to make it more accessible and applicable to people in the field. The new field guide is available in French and English. Field Guides are educational resources similar to textbooks that teach easy-to-apply skills on how to counter online hate speech and incitement to violence. They also contain vital features, such as a trauma guide and information on mis-, dis-, and malinformation.
The Field Guide can be used by individuals looking for information and also builds the basis for the many trainings and workshops held by #dhn trainers.
Additionally, #defyhatenow has been working on creating an Early Warning Early Response system in Cameroon. One of the challenges in monitoring online social media activity is the need to both correctly interpret potential imminent acts of mass violence and summon a response in order to save lives. The MUNGO, the Early Warning Early Response (EWER) system being developed by our Nairobi-based #defyhatenow team, in conjunction with the Cameroon team, plots, reports and highlights violent incidents, patterns, and hotspots in
Cameroon’s conflict regions. With five #defyhatenow trained cohorts having completing the #AFFC - Africa Fact-Checking Fellowship Cameroon, expertise is being developed to support MUNGO.
2021: the r0g_agency gets a new logo
When the r0g_agency was first founded in 2013, r0g’s graphic designer Heike created its original logo. Since then, r0g has grown and evolved and wanted to update the logo to better represent where we are now and what we continue to value: transparency, transformation, layers. Heike’s new design aims to capture that: it has an open, transparent, 3D shape to represent these qualities. Yet we also wanted to stay true to our roots – and so we kept the slash and the yellow color that has come to represent the r0g_agency.
Help us build strong, peaceful societies.
Help us,
- Combat the spread of hate speech on the Internet,
- give migrants access to life-saving information,
- give young people the opportunity to develop their skills.
Together we can do our part to spread open knowledge and promote peace. Get involved! Donate today!