r0g_agency new logo!

The r0g_agency has a new logo!
A bit of background from Heike, our designer, on the redesign process:
“Eight years ago, back when the r0g_agency was mostly an idea, fueled by energy and enthusiasm and a vision for what could be, I was asked to design a logo; it has been in use ever since.
Now, 8 years later, the idea has turned into reality: we have projects around the world and a large, active r0g_community making positive impacts on their communities in big and small ways.
r0g has grown up so much – it was time for a new logo that represents where we now are and what we continue to value: transparency, transformation, layers. We went with a lighter design and an open, transparent, 3D shape. Yet we also wanted to stay true to our roots – and so kept the slash and the yellow color that has come to represent the r0g_agency. “