#peacejam2021 Live Schedule

Pre Registration link


Thematic moderated discussions

Recovering after displacement – A chat with refugees and IDPs on their role in conflict transformation

Host – Marina Modi, #defyhatenow South Sudan (Juba)

Special Guest Contributors

  1. Blaise Mbuh -Founder Bamenda Film school
  2. Susan Duku – Executive Director RAWYA, Former Uganda Refugees
    Representatives to Comprehensive Refugee Response Framework
  3. John Jaldak – 2021 RSC International Summer School in Forced
    Migration and Refugee Studies at the University of Oxford.
    Executive Director of YSAT- Rhino Camp, Uganda / Juba-South
  4. Sophie Ngassa – Center for Youth Education and Enterprise
    Development- Bamenda, Cameroon

Diaspora Voices on conflict mitigation and transformation

Host – Eugene N Nforngwa, Africa Knowledge and Policy Centre, AKPC – Yaounde

Special Guest Contributors

  1. Prof Nsoh Christopher – University of Yaounde, Cameroon
  2. Prime Illumin – University of Alberta – Edmonton, Canada
  3. Maryse Nsangou Njikam – Culture Attaché, Cameroon Embassy
  4. Arrey Bate – Internet Entrepreneur & Journalist – ARREYB Media,

Live Performance

Jaiksana Soro
Musician and co-founder Platform
Africa, Rhino Camp Uganda

Jaiksana, is the team lead and co-founder of Platform Africa. He is a twice-over refugee having experienced first-hand the impact of conflict, he has made it his mission to help reduce the susceptibility of communities to conflict and poverty through peace-building engagements, entrepreneurship, and skills development programs. Jaiksana also writes and produces music — he strongly believes in the power of arts to speak truth to power, communicate and empower citizens.

Tata Diko
Feminist/Spoken Word Poet/
Basketballer, Juba-South Sudan

Tata Diko is a feminist activist, spoken word poet, and an athlete. She uses her talent as an advocacy tool to critic injustices and uphold humanity.

Her poetry is inspired by the untold stories that remain silent as they defy the status quo. She has performed on multiple feminist festivals and her work is featured in the Feminist Peace Series Magazine. In 2019, she was nominated for Sout Al Salaam Awards, People’s choice category.  Her drive comes from the smiles she puts on peoples’ faces including hers.

Ondoa L’Afrikain
Conteur Performeur

ONDOA l’Afrikain est un artiste Cameroun qui conte et chante le passé, le présent afin de mieux aborder l’avenir. Il débute sa carrière solo dans l’art du conte et de la performance en 2018, à son actif une cinquantaine de scènes sur les scènes locales . Il voyage à travers le pays afin de mettre en valeur ses talents dans des festivals et donne de son temps comme bénévole où, il encadre des enfants en situation de handicap à l’art de la performance.

En 2019, il sort un single “les 3 oiseaux albinos” avec le rappeur allemand Confusius. Une œuvre musicale qui jette un regarde sur les différences, spécialement l’autisme, les IMC et la trisomie et la façon dont ces maux sont perçus des deux côtés du globe. Sur scène, il se fait accompagner par un balafoniste et un percussionniste accessoiriste. Il est actuellement l’un des artistes fondateurs du Collectif Art et Vivre-ensemble qui exécute le programme des consultations poétiques et musicales de Douala.

Mac Alunge
Professional Spoken Word Artist, Social Entrepreneur and Businessman

He is the Founder & Executive Director for Strawacademy, a Not-for-Profit Organization which seeks to foster economic and sustainable development by inspiring and directing the creation & development of youth-led, women-led and refugee-led startup businesses. Strawacademy, through its Art brand MA Park, fosters the implementation of initiatives in line with the United Nations’ Sustainable Goals, by sensitization and advocacy using Spoken Word Art through Art-based Content Creation (Videos, Audios, Pictures, Text), Capacity Building & Networking of Artists, as well as digital and offline community engagement (through virtual and physical events). In line with this, Mac Alunge is a UNESCO Peace Ambassador to Cameroon. 

He also runs Developer Operations for Strawacademy’s For-Profit (the Strawacademy Company), which provides branding, tech and media support to Organizations and Individuals.

Event moderated by Valerie Viban

Schedule Time

14:00hrs – 17:15hrs CEST (South Sudan/Germany),

13:00-16:15hrs WAT (Cameroon),

15:00hrs-18:15hrs EAT (Uganda/Kenya)

Hashtags: #PeaceDay #Act4Peace #Peacejam2021 #Media4Peace #defyhatenow #DiasporaDialogue #StandWithRefugees