#PeaceJam18 online for UN World Peace Day

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Juba September 15, 2018 – #defyhatenow is proud to coordinate the international social media #PeaceJam18 for UN World #PeaceDay on September 21st 2018 with the theme: Peace for all. We aim to connect South Sudanese and peace jammers around the world on UN World #PeaceDay to increase the visibility of South Sudan online in the context of peace.
To celebrate UN World #PeaceDay, #defyhatenow will host events in Juba, Bor, Yei & United Nations Protection of Civilians (PoCs) in South Sudan, Nairobi – Kenya, Khartoum – Sudan, Rhino Camp and Arua – Uganda to bring people together not just to observe the day, but to take action in order to raise awareness for all issues related to peace within and among all nations and peoples.
Join us for #PeaceJam18 by sharing messages of peace on social media on September 21st with the hashtags:
#PeaceJam18 #defyhatenow #Peace4All #Right2Peace #PeaceDay #SouthSudan
Anyone can join:
- Check out the #PeaceJam18 event on Facebook. Respond by going and invite your friends to attend.
- Add the #Peacejam18 fb frame to your profile picture.
- Share your messages of peace on Social Media; Facebook, Twitter, Blogs, Instagram, WhatsApp. Use the hashtags above mentioned hashtags
- Host want to host an offline event where people come together to jam for peace, get in touch with us at defyhatenow.net/contact/ More information at defyhatenow.net/campaigns/peacejam Facebook event: facebook.com/events/654348231602528
About #defyhatenow
#defyhatenow is a project implemented in South Sudan through the Juba based cultural innovation organization Junub Open Space (JunubOS), in conjunction with regional partners in Uganda, Kenya and Sudan. Supported by the zivik programme of ifa (Institute for Foreign Cultural Relations) with means from the German Federal Foreign Office and managed by the Berlin-based r0g_agency for open culture and critical transformation, #defyhatenow is an urgent community peace-building initiative aimed at combating online hate speech and mitigating incitement to offline violence in South Sudan. More at defyhatenow.net