#ASKotec: Access to Skills and Knowledge open tech emergency case
The #ASKotec is a kit that is designed to work as a mobile training set and is equipped with the items needed to teach others how to use Open Tech and Open Source Hardware in order to innovate, educate, and repair items, thereby providing access to vital skills and knowledge. The kit is especially valuable to communities where access to tools and materials is often scarce.
The Open Tech Emergency Case is housed in a rugged, dust-proof case and includes a range of high-quality tools and materials needed to teach hands-on skills in terms of repairs, development, and upcycling. The kit allows for
- learning about electronics, especially the use of small-scale solar energy.
- repairing, disassembling, and building mechanical and electronic devices.
- the development of skills and sharing of knowledge.
Each #ASKotec contains over 50 items, including:
- electronics, connection hardware, solar elements
- soldering, cutting, measuring, and specialised mechanical tools
- arduinos, sensors, LEDs, related modules
- manuals and user-developed how-to guides
- a compact Linux computer with open source software
For more information about the #ASKotec, go to: https://askotec.openculture.agency
The #ASKotec kit is part of the #ASKnet program. It was created through a series of hub-development workshops as a resource kit for community trainers who work in areas where there is neither reliable power nor internet connectivity, such as in many refugee camps, low-infrastructure regions, or rural areas.
Tutorials for #OpenTech trainings can be found here: wikifab.org/wiki/Group:ASKnet_Open_Tech#Tutoriais
You can also find information on the Github site here: Github/ASKotec
Crowdfunding for access to technology
Join us in collecting the funds to build 5 additional kits and support our trainers by
- sharing the campaign on Twitter and Facebook
- talking to your friends and family about it
- contacting us if you know of companies, individuals and other contacts in your network and neighbourhood who might be interested in partnering with us
#ASKotec in the media
Radio interview on Radio Miraya, Juba, South Sudan
Junub Open Space, an open literacy resource and community innovation space, is organizing the first technology and hardware building and innovation workshop in Juba.
Jaiksana A. José and Bior Ajang tell us more about the upcoming workshop.
Feb to Dec - ASKnet project
Use of the ASKotec for the set up of 5 Hubs in South Sudan, Uganda and Kenya
May 6th - re:publica, Berlin Germany: Workshop on building use of the ASKotec | GIG Makerspace at #rp19, Berlin, Germany
May 6th - re:publica, Berlin Germany: Innovation surviving through Conflict AKSotec for the refugee settlements - presentation by Jaiksana Soro
May 4th to 9th - open:fora *the cultural street meet. a 4 day capacity building and design workshop
Dec – Exhibit at rp:Accra, Accra, Ghana
Sep - Kathmandu Mini Maker Faire, Nepal (hosted by Communitere Nepal)
July - FabLab Siegen: Workshop on skills development as factor in post-conflict trauma relief (hosted by University of Siegen, Germany)
June - UNESCO Tech4Dev conference, Lausanne, Switzerland: Panel discussion featuring, hosted by EPFL
May - Open Tech Summit, Berlin, Germany: Workshop on building solar chargers with 12 participants | GIG Makerspace at #rp18, Berlin, Germany
April - AfricaOSH, Kumasi, Ghana: Demo and workshop by Jaiksana, during Africa Open Science and Hardware Summit, hosted by Kumasi Hive, Facebook post with images | International IoT Day, Rhino Camp refugee settlement, Arua District, Uganda: Demo and workshop, hosted by CTEN
March - Open Tech Juba, South Sudan: Community workshop, Announcement on Radio Miraya (audio)
December - ThingsConNBO, Nairobi, Kenya: Presentation in context of socially responsive IoT and grassroots innovation (hosted by Gearbox)
November - Kiryandongo Refugee Settlement, Bweyale, Uganda: Pilot workshop with trainers, 3 kits and 30 students, hosted by Panyadoli Self-Help Secondary School | Kampala, Uganda: Open Tech TOT workshop produces #ASKotec, ‘Let’s Go jHub’ project (in collaboration with icebauhaus and Hive Colab / BMZ funded)