r0g_Open Technology
r0g_Open Educational Resource Posters
Part of our work at r0g_agency is to explore the ways in which open source and its realm of related technologies and methodologies can be applied to a broad spectrum of activities. We seek to fuse the power and resources behind open source and open data into means of active knowledge creation and social empowerment, particularly in societal transformation and post-conflict scenarios.

A Community Guide to Understanding and Discussing GBV
While many forms of hate and violence are easy to identify - violence that erupts on the streets, for example - there are also forms of violence that are often overlooked or seen as normal. One form of violence that is often overlooked is violence towards women and girls. We call this gender-based violence.
In this guide, we will focus on addressing gender-based violence, often shortened to GBV.
©2024 r0g_agency for open culture and critical transformation gGmbH, Berlin
Concept: r0g_agency gGmbH, Berlin,Stephen Kovats & Susanne Bellinghausen
GBV Guide Authors + Editors: Sara Budarz & Kendi Gikunda
Cameroon Country Manager: Ngala Desmond Ngala
GBV Guide Contextual Editorial Consultants: Dr. Kinang Derick Fai, Dr. Sally Mboumien, Aissa Doumara, Merolyn Yafe, Barrister Dorcas Nkongme, Dr. Christine Abonge, Vivian Tathi, Angaama Joy, Banga Indira, Melvin Songwe, Penka Marthe Bogne, Eunice Tita Tata, Myriamme Chimene, Caroline Mveng, Renée Nwoes, Dr. Eileen Akwo.
GBV Guide Design and Layout: Heike Bluthardt
GBV Guide Illustrations: Felix Bwamou
This Gender Based Violence Guide is a module of the #defyhatenow Social Media Hate Speech Mitigation Field Guide which is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International CC BY-SA 4.0 license
Edition 2024 print ISBN: 978-3-949253-10-2 ebook ISBN: 978-3-949253-10-2 CC-BY-SA 4.0
Social Media Hate Speech Mitigation Field Guide [Second Edition 2021]
#defyhatenow aims to raise awareness of and develop means for countering social media based hate speech, conflict rhetoric and directed online incitement to violence and to amplify ‘positive influencers’ occupying Cameroon’s social media landscape with voices of peacebuilding and counter-messaging rather than leaving that space open to agents of conflict.
Divided into six chapters that cover a specific aspect of the conflict and peacebuilding process, the field guide acts as a base of action on media-induced hate speech awareness to tackle conflict, support media literacy and address issues of migration and displacement.
©2021 r0g_agency for open culture and critical transformation gGmbH Berlin
Concept: r0g_agency gGmbH Berlin, Stephen Kovats & Susanne Bellinghausen
Field Guide Architect: Kendi Gikunda
Field Guide Authors + Editors: Sara Budarz & Kendi Gikunda
Field Guide Game Concept: Jodi Rose
Cameroon Country Manager: Ngala Desmond
Field Guide Contextual Editorial Consultants: Eugene N Nforngwa, Marie-Noelle Guichi, Franklin Sone Baiyen, Blaise Bebey Abong, Kachoumi Babbette & Kinang Derick Fai
Field Guide Design and Layout: Heike Bluthardt
A1 Short Guide to the Field Guide Poster Design: Cara Schwartz & Heike Bluthardt
Cameroon Illustrations, A2 Posters & Game: Felix Fokoua, Heike Bluthardt & Paul Simiyu
Translation: Carole Leuwe, Lobe Sylvie & Tchengang Tchiengue Loris Donald
#defyhatenow Social Media Hate Speech Mitigation Field Guide is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Edition 2021 print ISBN: 978-3-949253-02-7 ebook ISBN: 978-3-949253-03-4 CC-BY-SA 4.0
Lutte Contre les Discours Haineux dans les Médias Sociaux, Cameroun, [Deuxieme Edition 2021]
#defyhatenow vise à sensibiliser et à développer des moyens pour contrer les discours de haine, la rhétorique du conflit et l’incitation à la violence en ligne, et à amplifier les “influenceurs positifs” qui occupent le paysage des médias sociaux au Cameroun avec des voix de consolidation de la paix et des contre-messages, plutôt que de laisser cet espace ouvert aux agents du conflit.
Divisé en six chapitres qui couvrent un aspect spécifique du processus de conflit et de consolidation de la paix, le guide de terrain sert de base d’action sur la sensibilisation aux discours de haine induits par les médias pour lutter contre les conflits, soutenir l’éducation aux médias et aborder les questions de migration et de déplacement.
© 2021 r0g_agency for open culture and critical transformation gGmbH Berlin
Concept: r0g_agency gGmbH Berlin, Stephen Kovats & Susanne Bellinghausen
Architecte du Guide Pratique: Kendi Gikunda
Rédactrices en chef du Guide Pratique: Sara Budarz & Kendi Gikunda
Structure conceptuelle et jeu: Jodi Rose
Responsable Cameroun: Ngala Desmond
Consultants pour la rédaction conceptuelle du Guide Pratique: Eugene N Nforngwa, Marie-Noelle Guichi,
Franklin Sone Baiyen, Blaise Bebey Abong, Kachoumi Babbette & Kinang Derick Fai
Conception et mise en page du Guide Pratique: Heike Bluthardt
Petit Guide A1 de conception de l’affiche: Cara Schwartz & Heike Bluthardt
Illustrations, Affiches A2 & Jeux d’animation Cameroun: Felix Fokoua, Heike Bluthardt & Paul Simiyu
Traduction: Carole Leuwe, Lobe Sylvie & Tchengang Tchiengue Loris Donald
Le Guide Pratique #defyhatenow pour la Lutte Contre les Discours Haineux dans les Médias Sociaux est
concédé sous licence Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Edition 2021 print ISBN: 978-3-949253-04-1 ebook ISBN: 978-3-949253-05-8 CC-BY-SA 4.0
#MMN Smart Migration Guide - Ghana
The #MMN Smart Migration Guide offers information, discussion topics, and resources to be used by trainers and potential migrants to learn about the impact and consequences of migration. The guide is designed to support individuals in clarifying their goals and in making informed, safer migration decisions.
Content ©2021_2, r0g_agency for open culture and critical transformation gGmbH, Berlin
Project Curation + Management: Susanne Bellinghausen
Text + Editing: Sara Budarz
Design + Layout: Heike Bluthardt
Diaspora Coordinator: Benedictus Agbelom
MG Concept: Susanne Bellinghausen, Stephen Kovats, Thomas Gitonga Kalunge
MG Input: Teams in Ghana and The Gambia & diaspora workshop participants (2019-2021)
Special thanks to Peter Nahr for his support and input.
#MigrantMediaNetwork Migration Information & Training Guide is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Edition 2021_2 print ISBN: 978-3-949253-08-9 ebook ISBN: 978-3-949253-09-6zz CC-BY-SA 4.0
#MMN Smart Migration Guide - The Gambia
The #MMN Smart Migration Guide offers information, discussion topics, and resources to be used by trainers and potential migrants to learn about the impact and consequences of migration. The guide is designed to support individuals in clarifying their goals and in making informed, safer migration decisions.
Content ©2021_2, r0g_agency for open culture and critical transformation gGmbH, Berlin
Project Curation + Management: Susanne Bellinghausen
Text + Editing: Sara Budarz
Design + Layout: Heike Bluthardt
Diaspora Coordinator: Nyima Jadama
MG Concept: Susanne Bellinghausen, Stephen Kovats, Thomas Gitonga Kalunge
MG Input: Teams in Ghana and The Gambia & diaspora workshop participants (2019-2021)
Special thanks to Peter Nahr for his support and input.
#MigrantMediaNetwork Migration Information & Training Guide is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Edition 2021_2 print ISBN: 978-3-949253-08-9 ebook ISBN: 978-3-949253-09-6z CC-BY-SA 4.0
Social Media Hate Speech Mitigation Field Guide [Pilot Edition December 2020 Manual]
The #defyhatenow Field Guide Ethiopia resource package is a set of tools to support and address community-based peacebuilding efforts in Ethiopia with editions being developed in Amharic and English.
Content © 2020 r0g_agency for open culture and critical transformation gGmbH Berlin
Field Guide Architect & Game Concept: Jodi Rose
Ethiopia Initiative Coordinator: Blen Gebrehiwot Desta
r0g_agency Project Manager: Stephen Kovats
Field Guide Editors: Jodi Rose, Blen Gebrehiwot Desta, Stephen Kovats, Kendi Gikunda
Ethiopia Field Guide & A1 Poster Design : Cara Schwartz
Ethiopia Field Guide Amharic Version Design: Yemsrach Yetneberk
Ethiopia Field Guide Illustrations, A2 Posters & Game Design: Yemsrach Yetneberk
Trauma Healing Guide: Sharlotte Ainebyoona Kigezo
Article Authors, Trainers and Content Contributors: Adrian Shahbaz & Allie Funk (Freedom House), Dr. Adem K Abebe (LL.D), Blen Gebrehiwot Desta, Brett Solomon (Access Now), Fadia Elgharib, Hirut Dawit, Kim Otor, Lena Coco Kovats, Nelson Kwaje, Susan Benesch (Dangerous Speech Project), YaliChecks
Translations: Beruketaweet Fekadu and Astewai Amdeselassie
#defyhatenow Ethiopia Social Media Hate Speech Mitigation Field Guide is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Edition 2020 print ISBN: 9783981989557 ebook ISBN: 9783981989564 CC-BY-SA 4.0
Social Media & Migration Training FIELD GUIDE HANDOUT [Edition 2020]
The Migrant Media Network Social Media & Migration Field Guide offers information, discussion topics, and resources to be used by potential migrants. The guide is designed to support individuals in clarifying their goals and making informed migration decisions.
Content © 2020 r0g_agency for open culture and critical transformation gGmbH Berlin
Project Curation and Lead: Thomas Gitonga Kalunge
Project Management: Susanne Bellinghausen
FG-Concept: Thomas Gitonga Kalunge, Susanne Bellinghausen, Stephen Kovats, and workshop participants and facilitators 2019/2020
MMN Community Management: Benedictus Kwame Agbelom
Text + Editing: Jodi Rose, Sara Budarz
Design + Layout: Adam Ferns, Cara Schwartz
Game, Card, and Workbook 2020 Design: Heike Bluthardt
Photo credits, back cover: Nour Bakr
#MigrantMediaNetwork Social Media & Migration Field Guide is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Edition 2020 print ISBN: 978-3-949253-00-3 ebook ISBN: 978-3-949253-01-0 CC-BY-SA 4.0
Guide de terrain sur l’atténuation des discours de haine sur les réseaux sociaux [Édition 2020 ]
Le #defyhatenow Guide Pratique Cameroun propose des outils et des stratégies à utiliser par les organisations communautaires et les campagnes en ligne pour la consolidation de la paix au Cameroun.
Concept r0g_agency gGmbH Berlin: Stephen Kovats et Susanne Bellinghausen
Architecture du guide pratique et conception de jeux: Jodi Rose Coordonnateur de l’initiative pour le Cameroun: Ngala Desmond Consultant Stratégique r0g_agency: Thomas Kalunge
Editrices du guide pratique: Jodi Rose et Kendi Gikunda Conception du guide pratique Cameroun et affiches A: Cara Schwartz Illustrations du Cameroun, affiches A2 & jeux: Félix Fokoua
Guide de guérison des traumatismes: Sharlotte Ainebyoona Kigezo
Auteurs: Marthe Francine Nkolo Ateba, Salamatou Blanche, Besong Bawack Mallet, Pedmia Shatu Tita, James Wamathai, Kendi Gikunda, Fadia Elgharib
Traduction: Leuwe Carole, Ntam Terence Chia, Bellan Ngami Hortence
Campagnes et conceptions des réseaux sociaux: Nelson Kwaje, Paul Simiyu, Dan Kingori
Édition pilote Cameroun Février 2020 Imprimer ISBN : 9783981989526 Ebook ISBN : 9783981989571 CC-BY-SA 4.0

Social Media Hate Speech Mitigation Field Guide [Pilot Edition 2019-2020]
The #defyhatenow Field Guide Cameroon offers tools and strategies to be used by community-based
organisations & online campaigns for peacebuilding in Cameroon.
Concept r0g_agency gGmbH Berlin: Stephen Kovats & Susanne Bellinghausen
Field Guide Architect & Game Concept: Jodi Rose
Cameroon Initiative Coordinator: Ngala Desmond r0g_agency Strategic Consultant: Thomas Kalunge Field Guide Editors: Jodi Rose & Kendi Gikunda Cameroon Field Guide & A1 Poster Design: Cara Schwartz Cameroon Illustrations A2 Posters & Game: Felix Fokoua
Trauma Healing Guide: Sharlotte Ainebyoona Kigezo Article Authors: Marthe Francine Nkolo Ateba, Salamatou Blanche, Besong Bawack Mallet, Pedmia Shatu Tita, James Wamathai, Kendi Gikunda, Fadia Elgharib Translation: Carole Leuwe, Ntam Terence Chia, Bellan Ngami Hortence
Social media campaigns and designs: Nelson Kwaje, Paul Simiyu, Dan Kingori
Cameroon Pilot Edition February 2020 print ISBN: 9783981989502 ebook ISBN: 9783981989519 CC-BY-SA 4.0
The #MigrantMediaNet Social Media & Migration Field Guide offers an introduction to the contexts of migration, along with information, case studies, personal stories and resources to be used by potential migrants in order to make more informed decisions before embarking on the journey.
r0g_agency for open culture and critical transformation gGmbH Berlin
#MMN Project Concept: Thomas Gitonga Kalunge, Susanne Bellinghausen, Stephen Kovats
Content Development & Facilitators: Johanna Havemann, Sainabou Jallow, Blen Desta, Sara Shedden Casanovas, Jaiksana Soro
Participants And Co-creators: Benedictus Kwame Agbelom, Edward Kwaku Osei, Bismark Agyei Yeboah, Fortune Agbele, Cosmas Kombat Lambini, Desmond Nsobila Alugnoa Assembled & Edited by Jodi Rose
Design / Layout: Adam Ferns / Cara Schwartz
Ghana Edition Prototype October 2019 Print ISBN: 978-3-9819895-8-8 ebook ISBN: 978-33981989595-3-3 CC-BY-SA 4.0
#defyhatenow Social Media Hate Speech Mitigaton FIELD GUIDE
The #defyhatenow Field Guide offers tools and strategies to be used by community-based organisations & online campaigns for peacebuilding in South Sudan and around the world.
Version 1.0 May 2018 – CC-BY-SA 4.0
r0g_agency for open culture and critical transformation gGMBH Berlin and associated authors
Concept: Stephen Kovats & Susanne Bellinghausen; Assembled and edited by Jodi Rose; Design: Adam Ferns; #defyhatenow concept illustrations: Hanna Rounding; Quick-reference poster design: Cara Schwartz; Social media campaign & game design: Nelson Kwaje, Kendi Gikunda & Paul Simiyu; Photographs: Hakim George, Bullen Chol, Jaiksana Amaruda José, Free-Boy the African.
Print ISBN: 9783981989540 ebook ISBN: 9783981989595
New insights about the development of a grassroots media training centre in Juba, South Sudan, 2016.
Published in 2017 by icebauhaus (CC-BY-SA).
Authors: Stephen Kovats, Marina Modi, Timm Wille and project participants; Editorial coordinators: Jodi Rose, Tiemo Ehmke; Layout/ graphic design: Oliver Gretscher Photos by the project partners; Open Hardware Guide design and layout by Adam Ferns; jHUB Network Diagram by John Fass.
Documentation and insights on the initiation of a community-based media training center in South Sudan 2015
Published in 2016 by icebauhaus (CC-BY-SA).
Authors: Stephen Kovats, Lagu Stephen, Rafiq Copeland, Markos Lemma, Clemens Lerche, Jörn Schultz; Editorial coordinators: Jodi Rose, Tiemo Ehmke; Layout/graphic design: Oliver Gretscher; Photos: the project partners, Hakim George, Rafiq Copeland; jHUB Open Learning Guide design and layout by Adam Ferns.
International Handbook of Media Literacy Education
Chapter 25: Digital Media Literacy in Conflicts
The Increasing Role of Social Media in South Sudan
Authored by: Anke Fiedler & Stephen Kovats
Print publication date: May 2017
Online publication date: April 2017
Print ISBN: 9781138645493
eBook ISBN: 9781315628110
Adobe ISBN: 9781317240068
Leonardo – Volume 49 | Issue 3 | June 2016
#OSJUBA: Open Urbanism in Post-Conflict Transformation (p.291-297)
Authored by Stephen Kovats
Posted Online May 25, 2016
©2016 ISAST
DOI: 10.1162/LEON_a_00832
