Open Educational Resources
Open knowledge is knowledge that one is free to use, reuse, and redistribute without legal, social or technological restriction. Open knowledge is a set of principles and methodologies related to the production and distribution of how knowledge works in an open manner. Knowledge is interpreted broadly to include data, content and general information.
The concept is related to open source and the Open Knowledge Definition is directly derived from the Open Source Definition. Open knowledge can be seen as being a superset of open data, open content and libre open access with the aim of highlighting the commonalities between these different groups.
Wikipedia contributors. "Open knowledge." Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, Sep. 2018.
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Stephen Kovats
As part of the #ASKnet - Access to Skills and Knowledge network intiative in South Sudan, Uganda and Kenya, r0g_agency has released it’s latest Open Skills Guide … the Open Source Documentation Guide (#OSD), offering step-by-step instructions on how to document your work for shared and collaborative use. Acting as an introduction to open source methodologies the #OSD provides easy guidance to increase the impact and innovative capacities of collaborative projects. Providing beginners and advanced users with strategies to apply open source principles more effectively the #ODG is an educational resource and a door to new creative opportunities! Designed as a poster, the #OSD follows the Open Learning Guide (#OLG) , the Open Hardware Guide (#OHG) and the Open Training Guide (#OTG).

This Open Training Guide (#OTG) is a learning resource that can be used by anyone to facilitate easier Access to Skills and Knowledge. It offers tools and methodologies to help design and run your own training, wherever you may be, with whatever resources you have at hand.
The #OTG was developed in conjunction with the #ASKnet ToT training programme 2018, hosted by CTEN, the Community Technology Empowerment Network, at their Refugee Information Center (RIC) in Rhino Camp refugee settlement (Arua District, Uganda), in collaboration with Hive Colab (Kampala, Uganda) and funded by the ‘Access to Information and Supporting Freedom of Expression’ programme of the German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).

Open Training Guide is free and open for use, modification and sharing by anyone!
CC-BY-SA 4.0 2018
Corrections and suggestions for amendments are also very welcome!
Contact us for a full A1 poster size version, or download the Open Training Guide (PDF, 17MB)
Contribute to the Open Training Guide on Github

Contact us for a full A1 poster size version, or download the Open Hardware Guide (PDF, 21MB).
Open Hardware Guide v.1 is free and open for use, modification and sharing according to CC-BY-SA 2.0
Contribute to the Open Hardware Guide on Github
The #OHG content was developed by the workshop participants based on their designs and documented steps in test workshops held with students at the Panyadoli Self-Help Secondary School in Bweyale, Uganda. Alongside the #OHG, the participants helped develop and test #ASKotek, the ‘Access to Skills and Knowledge – open tech emergency kit‘ a field-trainers resource tool-kit for repairing, building and learning about practical electronics including small scale solar power.
The Let’s Go jHUB (#LGJ) project, in collaboration with icebauhaus e.V. (Weimar), KAPITAL / jHUB (Juba) and r0g_agency for open culture gGmbH (Berlin), was funded by the German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) through its programme of “Support for Media, Access to Information and Freedom of Expression”. Given the violence that broke out in Juba, South Sudan’s capital, in the summer of 2016, the programme was implemented through the generous support and cooperation of GIG partner organisations iceaddis in Addis Ababa, mLABand iHUB in Nairobi, kLAB in Kigali and Hive Colab in Kampala.
The #OpenLearningGuide is a rugged poster with lists of resources to Open Educational Resources (OER) around the topics of online literacy, technology and DIY communities. It is a product of the Step-Up Juba Media Lab – an initiative by icebauhaus and r0g_agency supporting the implementation of a community-based media training centre in Juba, South Sudan. The idea to create a media lab has its roots in the Kapital Movie Industry Corporation (KMIC) collective, an independent group of young designers, film makers, IT professionals and artists who came together to help solve the acute post-independence social, political, educational and environmental challenges which arose through the long-lasting conflicts in South Sudan.
The program was funded by the German Federal Ministry of International Cooperation and Development (BMZ) through its programme of “Support for Media, Access to Information and Freedom of Expression” in 2015.
Build the next version of the Open Learning Guide with at

Evening of r0g_agency at v2_lab in Rotterdam
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