One Africa 2, By Mac Alunge

There is no enemy
We own our own our own remedy
We make up one body, we are one family
Soldiers in the same army
‘Enemy’, a blind invention of humanity
Designed to distract us from harmony
Causing division, pain and misery
Obstructing the anatomy of our economy
But if we do have an enemy
He would be ‘The idea’ that we all are each other’s enemy
He would be the one that made us forget the true meaning of living
And obscured our perception of the truth of victory
I may be no artist with a Grammy
Neither are we actors with an Emmy
But as many as we use our voices in agony
We’ll redefine each of our roles as family in this one body called humanity
There is more wisdom in the human body
Than in the deepest philosophy
Two hands work in synergy for balance
Two legs walk in synchrony, alliance
One body, different organs
Each with its mission, unique slogan
Working together in unison
Each at its pace, from its own place
We each wear different hats
But we are all in the same boat
Many hands, one mind
For none of us is as smart as all of us
Yet, identity could be a prison
If defined by the tragedy of our history
And not the glory of our destiny
For an eye for an eye will only make the whole world blind
There is a message we must each preach and teach
So bleeding societal wounds might be stitched
That though we all have freedom of speech
Free speech should not include hateful speech
For one inspire debate, but the other incites violence
One endorses collaboration, the other fans tensions
One humanizes, the other dehumanizes
One says diversity, the other says difference
If the world were a school
Then love is your fees
The way is not up in the sky
The way is in our own hearts
Though I’d disagree with what you say
I’d protect your right to say it
For human rights are not given
They simply cannot be taken
But may we think of freedom
Not as the right to do as we please
But as the human opportunity
To do what is right
So, on social media, think before you click
Off the media, think before you speak
Let no words in hate be spoken
Leave no words in love unspoken
Stand up for your rights
Stand even higher for others
Desire not to be liked
But to be true and truly heard
But oppose with respect yes
And return no disrespect
Tweet like you’d like to be twitted
Address like you want to be addressed
No fire or wind can erase a good
Choose not to see what is, but what could be
Light the camp for someone else
And the light will brighten your own path
Your imperfections are perfect
And perfectly perfected by others
One social architecture, many cultures
We are all connected, all are needed
To understand everything is to forgive everything
Together, we will mend our broken hearts
Refuse to deem our light
And turn our scars into beauty marks
An ounce of prevention
Is better than a pound of cure
So between polarized men, become the bridge of love and trust
‘Cause trust is the bond holding societies together
No one is complete on their own
Everyone is only someone in relation to someone else
And in the practice of tolerance
One’s enemy could become his teacher
Hear the words unspoken by language
See the culture beneath every culture
Where there’s no love, there’s no life
There was never us and them, just we
So do not let difference, divide, enhance collaboration
Inspire interdependence and embrace diversity of perspective
Experience peace by giving away peace
For peace is its own reward
Written by Mac Alunge
Based on and inspired by the DefyHateNow Field Guide
by the r0g_agency for Open Culture and Critical Transformation