r0g_agency welcomes two special guests, both award winning activist peacebuilders fighting disinformation, youth extremism and online incitement to violence in Cameroon’s conflict-ridden North West Region. Bamenda, once known as Cameroon’s ‘City of the Future’ is the country’s third largest urban area, crippled for close to a decade by a vicious separatist insurgency.
Please join us in Navigating Bamenda, a two-part #defyhatenow series featuring youth leader Nduku Louis Tebi and journalist Mbuh Stella. The events will be moderated by Decolonialism Policy Advisor, Valerie Viban, at r0g_agency’s OPEN CULTURE OFFICE in Berlin-Charlottenburg.
Part 1 – Thursday May 9th, 2024, 6pm: Navigating Bamenda with Nduku Louis Tebi
Nduku Louis Tebi, youth leader and community mobilizer
Nduku Louis Tebi, 2024 recipient of the Young Global Changers Recoupling Award, works on rehabilitation and skills training with former youth combatants in Bamenda, Cameroon. A victim of the brutal conflict in Cameroon’s North West region himself, Nduku is currently a PhD Political Sciences candidate and founder of XHUMA Africa, a non-profit organisation working to change the narrative of political and climate induced war, hunger and drought that fuels poverty and the fight over limited resources in his region.
Part 2 – Monday, June 10th, 2024, 6pm: Navigating Bamenda with Mbuh Stella
Mbuh Stella, conflict journalist and fact checker
Mbuh Stella is an award winning freelance journalist based in Bamenda, in the North West Region of Cameroon where she supports the #defyhatenow initiative through fact-checking, promoting conflict sensitive reporting and producing content for a range of Cameroonian TV stations. Passionate about putting a stop to hate speech and disinformation,Stella is a Cohort 2 Fellow of the African Fact Checking Fellowship Cameroon (#AFFC).
Part 1 with Nduku Louis Tebi – Thursday May 9th, 6pm
Part 2 with Mbuh Stella – Monday June 10th, 6pm
Knobelsdorffstr. 22
14059 Berlin-Charlottenburg
The #defyhatenow initiative to counter social media hate speech and online incitement to violence in Cameroon is funded by means of the German Federal Foreign Office.
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