#MMN_Migrant Media Presentation 2019

DECEMBER 13, 2019
11am – 3pm
Werkstatt – Haus der Statistik
Karl-Marx-Allee 1
10178 Berlin
engaging diaspora communities in social media awareness e& open tech innovation to foster informed migration choices
introduction by: Fortune Agbele – Political Science Researcher, University of Bayreuth
Please join our team of Berlin and regional based Ghanaian trainers reporting from their experiences in running community based social media skills & migration workshops in their home communities in Ghana. Linking online resources with mobile offline and regional telecommunications systems, including the Raspberry Pi powered HyracBox offline server, a migrant information and entrepreneurship oriented USSD system, #MMN is also developing a comprehensive print and digital Field Guide for trainers and community leaders.
#MMN – Migrant Media Network is a project by Berlin-based r0g_agency for open culture & critical transformation gGmbH to develop reliable public information and training on social media skills to foster informed and safe choices regarding migration issues.