Dissertation result presentation: Merga Yonas “Digital Public Sphere – Perspectives of the African Diaspora”.

We are excited to host Merga Yonas at the r0g_office in Berlin as he discusses his PhD dissertation publication in an event titled “Digital Public Sphere – Perspectives of African Diaspora.”
Merga is a Consultant and a Journalist based in Bonn, Germany. He was born in Dembi Dollo, Oromia Regional State of Ethiopia. His first degree was in Journalism and Communication at Addis Ababa University.
In 2013 Merga began his now over 10 year residency in Germany with a M.A. in International Media Studies. He worked as a journalist at the Deutsche Welle/Africa Section and as Co-Project Manager in Media Development at DW-Akademie until the end of 2020.
Besides working as a journalist, he started his Doctoral study at the University of Leipzig in June 2018, which he completed in July 2023, publishing his book in December 2023.
His work focuses on how and for what purpose do people in diaspora communities from the Horn Africa use the digital public sphere. With this analysis, the study bridges the gap in transnational masspersonal communication of diaspora communities from the Horn of Africa.
Merga is currently working with r0g_agency as a consultant.
We will have a special guest Alireza Hussaini from EC4SC (research centre Leipzig – communication for social change) join the conversation.

Participants are welcomed to share their work and experiences on the role of diaspora in the digital public space. Therefore, come join us for an evening of discussion about the role of Horn of African diaspora in the Digital Public Sphere and how they use this sphere to construct their own identity and deconstruct competing collective identities.

17:30 – 18:00 – Doors open
18:00 -18:10 – Introduction by Stephen Kovats r0g_agency
18:10 – 18:25 – Presentation by Merga Yonas:
“Digital Public Sphere – Perspectives of the African Diaspora”
18:25 – 18:40 – Open discussion with the participants
18:40 – 18:50 – Guest contribution by Ali Reza Hussaini
18:50 – 19:05 – Open discussion with the participants
19:05 – 20:00 – Closing words r0g+Merga & time to network