#defyhatenow Field Guide
Social Media Hate Speech Mitigation Field Guide [Version 1.0 May 2018]
The #defyhatenow Field Guide offers tools and strategies to be used by community-based organisations & online campaigns for peacebuilding in South Sudan and around the world.
#defyhatenow aims to raise awareness of and develop means for countering social media based hate speech, conflict rhetoric and directed online incitement to violence and to amplify ‘positive influencers’ occupying South Sudan’s social media landscape with voices of peacebuilding and counter-messaging rather than leaving that space open to agents of conflict.
This Field Guide is their tool kit to do so.
Developed and compiled by the #defyhatenow initiative with selected excerpts from materials published by collaborative partner organisations & networks, 2015 – 2018.
- A1 Poster & Game: ‘Quick reference’ tips and tools for responsible social media use
- A4 Guidebook: Detailed information for workshop facilitators & further training resources
- A4 Handouts: Selection of handouts and exercises to photocopy and use in the training
- A5 Cards: 10 Concept Cards to facilitate group discussion in workshops
- A2 Posters (Series of 5): Concept illustrations to use as visual discussion guides & prompts
- USB Stick with video, audio & external resources / Pen / Post-it notes
The Field Guide includes a guidebook with workshop materials with quick reference tips; concept cards and illustration posters; handouts and exercises; a quick-reference poster and #defyhatenow board game based on the training with the aim to reach a ‘Free and Prosperous South Sudan’.
It is possibel to download the complete Field Guide, Facilitator Guide, the Discussion Cards and Posters below. There is also a partial Arabic translation available.

00. Introduction
01. Social Media Guidelines
02. What is Hate Speech
03. Fake News
04. How to Counter Dangerous Speech
05. Ethical Reporting & Citizen Journalism
06. Social Media & Peace Activism
07. Identity & Context
08. Civil Society Initiatives & Diaspora
09. Credits
- #ThinkB4UClick! Social Media Code of Conduct
- Categories of hate speech and emotional responses
- What can we do to counteract HATE SPEECH?
- Does online hate speech incite offline violence?
- #HashTagsForPeace!!! Social Media Activism
- How to use Social Media
- What is Hate Speech?
- Verify Rumours and Fake News
- Countering Dangerous Speech
- Online Hate ~ Offline Violence?
- Safety for Women Online
- Ethical Journalism
- Identity & Context
- Cultural Initiatives
- Social Media #PeaceJam
download Arabic version
The #defyhatenow Field Guide offers tools and strategies to be used by community-based organisations & online campaigns for peacebuilding in South Sudan and around the world.
Version 1.0 May 2018 – CC-BY-SA 4.0
r0g_agency for open culture and critical transformation gGMBH Berlin and associated authors
Concept: Stephen Kovats & Susanne Bellinghausen; Assembled and edited by Jodi Rose; Design: Adam Ferns; #defyhatenow concept illustrations: Hanna Rounding; Quick-reference poster design: Cara Schwartz; Social media campaign & game design: Nelson Kwaje, Kendi Gikunda & Paul Simiyu; Photographs: Hakim George, Bullen Chol, Jaiksana Amaruda José, Free-Boy the African.
Print ISBN: 9783981989540
ebook ISBN: 9783981989595
Facilitation Posters

Stephen Kovats
project manager

Jodi Rose