Celebrating the First Graduates of the Africa Fact-Checking Fellowship – #defyhatenow Ethiopia (AFF-ETH)

The Africa Fact-Checking Fellowship – Ethiopia (AFF-ETH) is empowering youth to tackle disinformation!

On October 11, 2024, our first cohort of 15 fellows graduated from the Africa Fact-Checking Fellowship – Ethiopia (AFF-ETH), marking a significant step forward in the fight against disinformation. 

AFF-ETH is one of the programs implemented under the #defyhatenow-Ethiopia initiative and funded by the European Union, empowers citizens with fact checking skills and critical thinking to promote truth in their community. The fellowship, launched on June 15, 2024, provided intensive training for over three months to a cohort of eight women and seven men in Shashemene, Oromia region. 

Combining online and offline learning methods, the program equipped fellows with the knowledge and skills to become professional fact-checkers. They gained expertise in 

  • Understanding information disorder and its impact in a society
  • Utilising online fact-checking resources and tools
  • Identifying manipulated visuals and spotting deep fakes, and 
  • Effectively educating communities about responsible information consumption and much more!!

Congratulations to our first AFF-ETH graduates!! We look forward to witnessing the positive impact they will create in their communities and beyond. Read more about the AFF-Eth.

Together, we’re building a better-informed Ethiopia! 🇪🇹

#defyhatenow Ethiopia. https://defyhatenow.org/ethiopia/