#peacejam2021 Live Schedule
Pre Registration link https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJctd-yurjgqG9RYMF6GgToGpsQoDJECJ2Vb Thematic moderated discussions Recovering after displacement – A chat with refugees and IDPs on their role in conflict transformation Host – Marina Modi, #defyhatenow South Sudan (Juba) Special Guest Contributors Blaise Mbuh -Founder Bamenda Film school Susan Duku – Executive Director RAWYA, Former Uganda RefugeesRepresentatives to Comprehensive Refugee Response Framework John…
Read MoreUN International Day of Peace, #defyhatenow Social Media #PeaceJam2021
Each year the International Day of Peace is observed around the world on 21 September. At #defyhatenow we join the International Day of Peace commemoration by having #peacejam activities and discussions that call for conflict mitigation against acts of hate online and offline. We invite you to jam for peace with us from wherever you are in the world,…
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