Policy Development and Social Media

Article by: Kendi Gikunda Public policy can be defined as any government action to address public issues and is essentially a government decision undertaken to pursue a specific goal or objective which may or may not be enforceable at the central, state or local level of governance. Policy-making thus remains a dynamic process that is…

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Who is responsible for regulating hate speech online?

By: Fogha Mc Cornilius  Hate Speech is as difficult to define as it is to regulate. There is no international consensus on what is considered hate speech and what isn’t. The difficulty with regulating hate speech is that it sometimes infringes on the freedom of speech, which is a right defended by international law. In…

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Cameroon Social Media Hate Speech Mitigation Field Guide Launch

On November 10th, 2020 #defyhatenow reached yet another milestone: the launch of the Cameroun Hate Speech Mitigation Field Guide. The Field Guide is the second one already produced by #defyhatenow, following the South Sudan Field Guide, and is the first to be available is both English and French, the two official languages of Cameroon. Since…

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One Africa 2, By Mac Alunge

There is no enemy We own our own our own remedy We make up one body, we are one family Soldiers in the same army ‘Enemy’, a blind invention of humanity Designed to distract us from harmony Causing division, pain and misery Obstructing the anatomy of our economy But if we do have an enemy…

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Hate Speech in Germany

The widespread growth of hatred and agitation on the Internet has transformed hate speech from an underestimated phenomenon into a persistent threat to democratic communication cultures in Germany. The largest representative study to date on the topic of hate speech #Hass im Netz reveals that more than half of the people in Germany are less…

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COVID19 _#StopCorona

Common Measures to Stop the Spread of Corona Virus Wash your hands (20 seconds) with soap and potable water Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth Use a hand sanitizer / hydro-alcoholic gel when you’re out Maintain social distance – at least 1.5 metres Don’t hug, kiss or shake hands when you meet Use a…

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International Women’s Day Feminist Café: SHE RHYMES!

Reported by Susanne Bellinghausen To everybody who joined us on March 8, at our International Women’s Day Open Culture Feminist Café special program, ‘SHE RHYMES!’, we want to thank you for a wonderful, inspiring and very personal afternoon. Starting off with the personal and moving spoken words by Eilis Frawley, drummer and founder of the…

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we wish you all a very happy new year 2020 and want to thank our team, partners, supporters and funders for making 2019 such a successful year.

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open:fora showcases how open source can foster peacebuilding and sustainable development

open:fora was conceived by r0g_agency & OSEG both as an artistic action and as an open street meet welcoming the whole neighborhood. The event was funded by Guerrilla Foundation, a Berlin based organization that supports activists and grassroots movements in Europe. The organizers sought with this event to open the doors to grassroots change actors in Berlin and across all continents.

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