r0g_newsletter: autumn 2024

Dear friends and colleagues,
this newsletter, with updates on our different projects and activities in the past few months, introduces, amongst others, two projects – #YoMIL and #FemPeaceEA – that focus on women in media and feminist peace networks.

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Celebrating the First Graduates of the Africa Fact-Checking Fellowship – #defyhatenow Ethiopia (AFF-ETH)

The Africa Fact-Checking Fellowship – Ethiopia (AFF-ETH) is empowering youth to tackle disinformation! On October 11, 2024, our first cohort of 15 fellows graduated from the Africa Fact-Checking Fellowship – Ethiopia (AFF-ETH), marking a significant step forward in the fight against disinformation.  AFF-ETH is one of the programs implemented under the #defyhatenow-Ethiopia initiative and funded…

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Hallo Berlin! Join us for a “roda de conversa” (a round-table-like format) where we’ll explore methods for decolonising city-making through cooperation, care, and trust-building. Let’s discuss actionable strategies for advancing decolonial practices and research in everyday city-making! When: June 4th, 16:30Where: OPEN CULTURE OFFICE, Knobelsdorffstr. 2214059 Berlin – CharlottenburgHow to join: Just come over!For more…

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r0g_agency welcomes two special guests, both award winning activist peacebuilders fighting disinformation, youth extremism and online incitement to violence in Cameroon’s conflict-ridden North West Region. Bamenda,

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WORKSHOP: #blacklivesmatter!

Als Teil der Aktionswochen gegen Rassimus Charlottenburg – Wilmersdorf, die vom 15.März bis 15.April stattfinden, veranstalten wir einen Workshop zum Thema Anti-Schwarzer Rassismus. Jeder ist herzlich willkommen.

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