Newsletter für Workshop gegen Hass und Rassismus im Netz
Einladung zum Workshop: “Gegen Hass und Rassismus im Netz antreten – Strategien aus Deutschland & Kamerun” Am 28. März 2025 um 18 Uhr laden die r0g_agency und Das NETTZ herzlich zu einem kostenlosen Workshop im Open Culture Office in Berlin ein. Thema: Hass im Netz und Desinformation stellen eine ernsthafte Gefahr für die Demokratie dar.…
Read MoreSupport girls in Ghana end stigma around periods
SUPPORT THE BOOK PRINT OF ‘No More Suffering In Silence,” which aims to educate and uplift girls in Ghana through menstrual health education.
Read MoreWORKSHOP: #blacklivesmatter!
Als Teil der Aktionswochen gegen Rassimus Charlottenburg – Wilmersdorf, die vom 15.März bis 15.April stattfinden, veranstalten wir einen Workshop zum Thema Anti-Schwarzer Rassismus. Jeder ist herzlich willkommen.
Read MoreDIASPORA DIALOGUES: Cameroon youth at the crossroads of crisis, roles and perspectives of Cameroonian Diaspora youth.
We shall specially consider the special role of Cameroon based outside Cameroon; their perspectives on transforming the conflict in Cameroon and the particular roles young people play.
Read MoreIt’s time to celebrate! r0g_agency is turning 10 years old!
Come and join us on Saturday, September 23rd, 2023 and join us in celebrating a decade of collaboration with local organizations, achieving incredible milestones, and fostering positive change in communities around the globe.
Photo Courtesy : Lovette The Gambia is both a source and destination country for women and children subjected to forced labor and sex trafficking. Gambian women, girls, and to a lesser extent boys are exploited for prostitution and domestic servitude. Women and children from West African countries are also trafficked to The Gambia for commercial…
Read MoreMigrant Media Network holds training of trainers to discuss verifying migrant messaging
Diaspora plays a crucial role in creative ways to share information to potential migrants reported by Nicholas Bruce What is a migrant was one of many topics discussed at the Training of Trainers workshop organised by Migrant Media Network (#MMN) on 17-21 August. #MMN is one of many projects of r0g_agency, a Berlin-based agency for…
Read MoreRefugees as Innovators? How #ASKnet is Empowering Young East Africans
Reported by Sara Shedden Casanovas The Access To Skills and Knowledge as a Weapon of Peace He wasn’t raised in a wealthy household. His home town has been destroyed twice. He lost both parents as a child. Life has been very tough, he admits, but when he tells his story, there is no gloom in…
Read MoreInternational Women’s Day Feminist Café: SHE RHYMES!
Reported by Susanne Bellinghausen To everybody who joined us on March 8, at our International Women’s Day Open Culture Feminist Café special program, ‘SHE RHYMES!’, we want to thank you for a wonderful, inspiring and very personal afternoon. Starting off with the personal and moving spoken words by Eilis Frawley, drummer and founder of the…
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