Newsletter für Workshop gegen Hass und Rassismus im Netz
Einladung zum Workshop: “Gegen Hass und Rassismus im Netz antreten – Strategien aus Deutschland & Kamerun” Am 28. März 2025 um 18 Uhr laden die r0g_agency und Das NETTZ herzlich zu einem kostenlosen Workshop im Open Culture Office in Berlin ein. Thema: Hass im Netz und Desinformation stellen eine ernsthafte Gefahr für die Demokratie dar.…
Read Moreannual-report-2023
Annual report 2023 The r0g_agency 2023 Annual Report highlights a decade of impactful work in promoting open culture, peacebuilding, and innovation across multiple regions, including Cameroon, South Sudan, Uganda, Kenya, and Ethiopia. Throughout the year, r0g_agency continued to advance its mission through projects like #ASKnet, #defyhatenow, and #FemPeaceEA, focusing on open technology, open knowledge, and…
Read Morer0g_agency new year greeting 2025
Dear friends and colleagues,
As a turbulent political year is coming to an end – greater concerns loom for 2025. Even though well established means and principled ideals seem to be at threat – we stand together in an ever widening community of changemakers, stronger to do the things we passionately believe in – to have an impact for more positive change.
r0g_newsletter: autumn 2024
Dear friends and colleagues,
this newsletter, with updates on our different projects and activities in the past few months, introduces, amongst others, two projects – #YoMIL and #FemPeaceEA – that focus on women in media and feminist peace networks.
Breaking Barriers: #YoMIL Introduced to Transform Gambian Media for Young Women.
A path towards empowerment and amplifying women’s voices in the Gambian media is set to make a lasting impact on The Gambia’s media industry, #YoMIL Gambia is geared towards equipping young women with the tools they need to navigate and influence media spaces. On October 9, 2024, the Young Women in Media and Information Literacy…
Hallo Berlin! Join us for a “roda de conversa” (a round-table-like format) where we’ll explore methods for decolonising city-making through cooperation, care, and trust-building. Let’s discuss actionable strategies for advancing decolonial practices and research in everyday city-making! When: June 4th, 16:30Where: OPEN CULTURE OFFICE, Knobelsdorffstr. 2214059 Berlin – CharlottenburgHow to join: Just come over!For more…
Read MoreSupport girls in Ghana end stigma around periods
SUPPORT THE BOOK PRINT OF ‘No More Suffering In Silence,” which aims to educate and uplift girls in Ghana through menstrual health education.
r0g_agency welcomes two special guests, both award winning activist peacebuilders fighting disinformation, youth extremism and online incitement to violence in Cameroon’s conflict-ridden North West Region. Bamenda,
Read MoreJemen: Vom arabischen Frühling zum internationalen Stellvertreterkrieg
Die Runde wird von Jonas Ecke moderiert, ein promovierten Anthropologen, der im Jahr 2022 im Jemen im Bereich der humanitären Hilfe tätig war
Read MoreWORKSHOP: #blacklivesmatter!
Als Teil der Aktionswochen gegen Rassimus Charlottenburg – Wilmersdorf, die vom 15.März bis 15.April stattfinden, veranstalten wir einen Workshop zum Thema Anti-Schwarzer Rassismus. Jeder ist herzlich willkommen.
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