Was macht eigentlich “Open Culture” ? r0g_agency wurde in der Berliner Lokalzeitung, dem Kiezblatt, vorgestellt.

r0g_agency was featured in Berlin’s local newspaper, the Kiezblatt. The KiezBlatt is the neighborhood newspaper for Klausenerplatz in Berlin. It is published by the Kiezbündnis and appears four times a year. The newspaper has a circulation of 4000 copies. It is free of charge and is distributed in stores, restaurants and other establishments. The KiezBlatt…

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r0g_newsletter: fall 2022

With fall having arrived here in Berlin, we wanted to slow down for a moment to look back over the past few months and provide you with some updates about our projects.
We hope you enjoy reading it.  As always, feel free to contact us if you have any questions or would like to get involved.

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Crushing the Hate Curve – How peace technologies counter violent extremism online.

Time: Monday, November 7th, 6pm – 8pmLocation: r0g_agency  OPEN CULTURE office Knobelsdorffstr. 22 14059 Berlin r0g_agency’s #defyhatenow initiative to counter social media hate speech and online incitement to violence was born in reaction to the sudden explosion of violent conflict in South Sudan at the end of 2013. When the relationship between social media and…

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#ONEdefyhatenow Nairobi trip

In May 2022, #defyhatenow lead team members from Berlin, South Sudan, Cameroon and Kenya met in Nairobi for the first time since the project was initiated to create an amalgamated initiative #ONEdefyhatenow and register a non-profit in Kenya whose principal mandate is to create awareness of responsible use of social media platforms and discourage the…

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Repair – Reuse – Upcycle … the essence of the ‘right to repair’! Mathew Lubari

Time: Monday, October 3rd, 2022, 6pm Location: r0g_agency office Knobelsdorffstr. 22 14059 Berlin Community Creativity For Development (CC4D) was founded in August 2019 by a group of three South Sudanese refugees in Northern Uganda. Richard Maliamungu, Edina Dawa and Mathew Lubari – all professionals who recognised the need to enact repair, reuse and maintenance of electronics…

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Jon Stever: Hacking Public Policy

Time: Friday, September 30th, 2022, 6pm Location: r0g_agency office Knobelsdorffstr. 22 14059 Berlin How can a global citizen’s assembly impact democracy? Jon Stever will introduce several tools and methods of governance innovation and will talk about the co-creation of the Nigeria Startup Bill and the first global citizens’ assembly.  Jon is co-founder and managing director of…

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Part 3: Talk about Success

The enthusiastic participation of Youth in GoGirls season 2022- Image: Aleon Visuals In our previous posts about GoGirlsICT, we talked about the value of education and involving women in science. But in South Sudan, there is still a lot of work to do in dispelling old beliefs that women do not belong in education, science,…

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Part 2: GoGirlsICT Centering the Community

In an earlier post, we talked with Yine Yenki, co-founder and Mentorship Director at GoGirls ICT, an #ASKnet hub, in South Sudan, about gender and the importance of education for women.  Another way in which GoGirls ICT is working to empower women and thereby strenghten their communities is by actively learning to involve women in…

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